Saturday, December 19, 2015

Handheld Night Scene

It's a mode. I gave it a try, albeit a hasty one, last night. It was a cold night, the half-moon half hazy, ice crystals almost wafting, softening the glow and blunting the points, though wafting isn't really the word I want here. It looked more like someone breathing on their glasses before cleaning them with a once-black t-shirt that had been washed one time too many, but how do you put that into a tidy little word with the right music to match the sentence and occasion? Standing in the dark, I lined up a decent composition, pressed the shutter button and heard the camera take three quick shots which it then sewed together to create a sense of clarity if I understand the manual correctly, and I thought wow, the things people come up with. Like that tidbit of gossip going around. I lined up the next shot, but of course by then I was wondering why I haven't received an invitation, or at least the particulars so I can plan the journey, and I sewed together three possible scenarios. That picture was blurrier than the first, but I kept it anyway.

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